IndyGo Electric Bus Rapid Transit
As the 13th largest city in the U.S., Indianapolis was lacking in accessible, sustainable public transportation. In 2008, the city ranked 38th and 40th in accessibility and sustainability, respectively. In 2013, IndyGo received a $12.5 million grant from Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) to electrify the city’s bus fleet and become one of the largest in the nation. IndyGo partnered with ESN for assistance in evaluating vendors and technology options.
In addition, Indianapolis awarded a $2M grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to conduct detailed planning for the nation’s first electric Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line, or “Redline,” that would run through the heart of the city. First, ESN consulted on electric bus vendors for IndyGo to work with on electrifying the bus fleet; then ESN continued engagement to advise onto the development the eBRT line.

21 of Indianapolis public transit buses were refurbished and can now travel 130 miles on a single battery charge, reducing carbon emissions in the city from public transit.